Stephen, that's exactly what my wife said when she read this story.
Sandra, I've corrected Mr. McLean's name (I hope). I've found that simple names are more commonly misspelled than tough names like Swierczynski. With the hard ones we look them up, with the easy ones, we assume we know how it's spelled. My wife's maiden name is Nielsen and it's bungled more often than Terrenoire.
Brilliant? I like the sound of that. Although my daughter says she hates similes.
You sir, are a sick fuck.
God love ya.
I can almost hear Rod Serling doing a tag line on this one about our hero serving life in prison - "In the Twilight Zone."
So, does everyone realize they've spelled Russel's name wrong?
And here I thought Russel was a lot less complicated than Terrenoire!
(I can't call you a sick fuck. That just doesn't sound proper coming from a woman. Or much like a compliment.)
"That just doesn't sound proper coming from a woman. Or much like a compliment."
Depends on the woman.
"His forearm, as big as a grouper,"
Stephen, what category are you putting me in?
Stephen, that's exactly what my wife said when she read this story.
Sandra, I've corrected Mr. McLean's name (I hope). I've found that simple names are more commonly misspelled than tough names like Swierczynski. With the hard ones we look them up, with the easy ones, we assume we know how it's spelled. My wife's maiden name is Nielsen and it's bungled more often than Terrenoire.
Brilliant? I like the sound of that. Although my daughter says she hates similes.
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