Ann gets TV time. Her fans swoon over her biting wit, like calling John Edwards a fag, they rush out and buy more books, proving that she's indeed a best selling author and America's soul gets just a little blacker.
That Scaife then pours his copies into a sinkhole in Indonesia, forever fouling the groundwater, doesn't matter. Ann's on the list. She's got cred.
Which proves that for all the many outrageous and provocative things Ann's ever said, the smartest thing to ever come out of her mouth is still Richard Mellon Scaife's dick.
The video is Hamell on Trial, one man using his First Amendment rigts to stand tall by sinking to an admitted new low. But I warn you, it is not work safe. Put on the headphones.
It also proves the smartest part of Richard Mellon Scaife is his dick. He's a walking affront to God and Darwin.
Have you seen her f****** speaking fees? There's a future for any of us on the right wing speaking tours. A million small colleges will pay for us to spew our venom.
Colleges pay for right wing speakers? Why? Target practice?
Personally I think the title is a hoot! Who care's what it says inside?
Neither this guy nor Ann Coulter come close to the class act that was Lee Atwater. If you're gonna be nasty, be a classy pro about it.
But Dread, then you die of brain cancer.
Oh woooo! Now that was nasty! Humorous, in a tastless sort of way, but nasty.
The odd thought occurred to me, in a bigger picture sense, that society is better off paying some folks to write what they think instead of doing what they think. I may go write about that.
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