This is my nephew's radio, or lack thereof. He assures me it took six months of leaving the car, unlocked, in a civic-iffy spot, before the local skateboarders copped it, and it's proaby unfair of me to start my post about Oakland with a cheap joke about crime.
But hey, if you're here, you know that cheap jokes are what the Planet's all about.
I live in Durham, a town maliciously maligned by its white bread neighbors, and here I am heaping bad PR on a beautiful spot. I should be ashamed.
Again, regular readers will recognize that I am not.

This is my nephew, Kenny. He gave us the grand tour of Oakland and neighboring Berkeley and we were joyful tourists. We had brunch at his restaurant, T-Rex (plug plug)and then went on to the Oakland Museum to see the exhibit, The Birth of the Cool.

And it was indeed coolness to a degree rarely achieved by any museum, anywhere. But back to Oakland. Here they can put their politics on a marquee, politics that those of us in North Carolina can only whisper. Gasp.

So it all comes full circle.
And that, my friend, is cool.
Glad to hear you're having a good time and that Jenny hasn't rolled your bottle besotted ass down Lombard St. ; )
You're not missing a thing at work. No one else has been fired. Yet.
I must say however that you have inspired me. I've decided to start my own blog. Check it out when you get a chance...
Be safe.
Glad you and Jen are having a good vacation.
Will you make it back in time for Sat night at Papa Mojos?
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