Thursday, April 19, 2007

Love at first sight.

Today, Jenny and I have been married for 27 years. That's 27 years of good times, hard times, really hard times, and a love for one another that seems to get stronger every day.

I don't know where I'd be without her.

In this week of such terrible news, it's good to look at the the things we take for granted and find the divine in the mundane and the eternal in the day-to-day.

I've told this story before, but it's worth repeating. I first saw Jenny on stage, a star of our summer theater company, rehearsing for a show. I was a character actor, far from being a major player, but when I looked across that dark theater and saw that long neck and wicked spark, I whispered to my friend, "That's the woman I'm going to marry."

It took quite a while to convince her to jump into my leaky boat. I was unemployed 27 years ago, with few prospects, but she saw something in me that I couldn't. Which is why I dedicated my book to her this way:

To Jenny,

who is good when times are good,

and when times are bad

she's even better.

I love you, babe. Please, don't ever come to your senses.


Tasha Alexander said...

David and Jenny, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Patrick Shawn Bagley said...


JD Rhoades said...

Congratulations, you guys! As one who's met the lovely Mrs. Terrenoire in person, I can say this with all sincerity and respect:

You're playin' way above your league, brother.

Hugs to you both.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Congratulations to you both. 27 years... amazing.

Karen Olson said...

Happy anniversary! What a nice story!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!

Daniel Hatadi said...


Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

I never before figured out why I continue to read your blog, what with so such acerbic foam head spilling over the rim of your word brew. With this post, it has occurred to me, that beneath the acerbic foam, there is a cup of affection, mirth, and character. Now, I also know from where it comes. Congratulations to you both.


David Terrenoire said...


I'm sure you;re not alone in wondering why you continue to read this blog.

Hell, there are days I wonder why I continue to write it.

But, whatever it is that brings you back, I appreciate it.

And thanks to all of you who sent your congratulations.

I am a lucky man to have so many friends.

Elizabeth Krecker said...

Awesome! Congratulations!