Friday, May 18, 2007

See David. See David Write. Write, David, Write.

My day job consists of writing copy to help patients understand their medications and how to take them. As my audience ranges from the semi-literate to the college prof, it's best if we write to a grade 4 or below. The lower the grade, the higher the reading comprehension, even among the super-literate mooks like you.

This morning I learned how to test my copy. It's simple. If you write in Word, check tools, then options, then hit the spelling and grammar tab and check readability statistics.

So of course I had to run my WIP through the grinder to see how it measured up. Understand that this is a fairly ambitious book that deals in some complex themes (or so I tell myself) and here's what I got:


1.8 sentences per paragraph.
10.6 words per sentence.
4.2 characters per word.
1% passive sentences (yay!).
Reading ease 85.3
Grade level 3.9

That's right, I'm writing
for dim 9-year-olds.

So how about you? Run your mss through the Word reader and as always... to me.

I have cross-posted this to Crimespace.


Anonymous said...

My answers for my IR comp exam and posts at FBL come up consistently at 12th grade level, which I suppose makes them appropriately dense for professors evaluating a graduate student.

Most interesting: average sentence length 29 words. That's bad, right?

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

I write policy and regulation manuals requiring gobbledegook language that ends up as word puzzles for the users. When I write letters and memo's to executives I try to keep them at a sixth grade level. Since that hasn't worked particularly well, I'm taking the tip from you and dropping to the 4th grade level.

The Dick and Jane illustrations are really neat. I think one my bosses may like Dick too, but that's a local problem. I think my Word is an older version. I need to upgrade.


Anonymous said...

I know I'll regret posting this, but...

WIP = 4th grade.


JD Rhoades said...

3.7 sentences per paragraph
Words per sentence: 8.8
Characters per word: 4.1
Passive sentences: 1%
Reading ease: 82.2
Grade level: 3.9

David Terrenoire said...

A few jokes just so Jeff doesn't feel he's being ignored:

Fourth grade, huh?

Joke 1: That's what comes from hanging out around elementary schools.

Joke 2: And it's stll two grades higher than your average Shelby fan.

Joke 3: When you're Jim Born's love muffin, you tend to use small words.

Thank you, thank you, try the veal.