Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let's talk caveman.

Or woman. This cavewoman, of course, is Raquel Welch from One Million BC, the film that proves beyond any doubt that depilatories existed at the same time as dinosaurs.

But I'm not here to talk about hot cavewomen, although I can think of worse things to mull over on this last cold day of January. No, I'm here to talk about the Geico caveman, the insurance primate who is not half as attractive as Ms. Welch.

Have I completely sold out? Yes, I have, and if Geico wants to send me a check, I will happily spend their money on vodka and art. But as we wait for my unlikely remuneration, let me direct you to this web site.

Here you will discover just how today's caveman lives. You will see what he reads, listen to his iPod, even get a glimpse of how today's metrosexual caveman does the fashion thing. And why, if I'm not getting paid, am I doing this?

Because the caveman's crib is actually my nephew's house. He's a young film maker who has worked with Geico on a number of projects and when they needed a place to shoot this, my nephew offered up his place. So take a look. And as you wander from room to room, think of how my nephew and his wife took an unassuming ranch in northern Virginia, gutted the inside and rebuilt this interior with their own four hands. Pretty cool. And the web site is entertaining, too.

Not as entertaining as Miss Welch in her animal-skin bikini, but then what is?


Anonymous said...

OK, I know this comment is very late. Sorry. I just felt the need to say a few words about my work on this site.

While I am always amused at David's appreciation of my handiwork, I'm especially proud of the fact that I helped write a fair amout of the dialogue on the site.

You see, David's awe for my willingness to rip out a bathroom and relocate it across the house is matched by my bewilderment at how he can write like he does.

The craft of writing has been one that I've thought of doing, but I must confess, it doesn't look that enjoyable. I love books and Dave has turned me on to some great reads: Duane Swierczynski, J.D. Rhoades, Ray Banks, Ken Bruen, Olen Steinhauer, Victor Gischler, Jeff Shelby, and Allan Guthrie to start the list.

While I have a great appreciation for the craft of writing, I've always had too much respect for it to pursue it myself.

OK, some respect, but mostly fear.

The opportunity to help write part of this site really is something I'm glad I got to do, but I'm humble enough to know I'm no a writer...Dave is proof.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ted! It's Shannon. Looks like the next version of the Caveman site is up and running. We're just letting a few bloggers know and I know your posted the original one...maybe an update is in order :)

See ya!