Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Proof that Hungarian beer can destroy your critical faculties.

This is Olen Steinhauer, the Edgar-nominated author of Liberation Movements and other highly-regarded novels that you should rush out and buy right now. Go ahead. We'll wait.

OK, now that you're back, let's look at something Olen's done that most people, including my mother, would find incredible. He's read my book and liked it enough to tell others about it, which is not unlike standing on a subway platform yelling at strangers about the joys of lime jello.

Thanks, Olen, you delusional fool. Thanks.

Planetary Update: It should be clear to all of my readers (both of you) that I'm blogging again. I've remodeled and I'll try to stick to my resolve to post only when I see a worthwhile story like if the president eats a bug.

For instance, I've got this bit of shameless self promotion: Jim Born, Jeff Shelby, Cornelia Read (another Edgar-nominee) and I are going to be at the South Carolina Book Festival, February 23 - 25. I understand it's a free event, so if you're in that neck o' the woods, stop by. We'll be the crime writers swimming in the sea of literary nabobs.

As for The Planet, we're going to go slow for a while and see if I can keep from obsessing about this.

Uh-huh. Now who's deluded?

Tomorrow: Caveman News!


David Terrenoire said...

Yeah, the green was a bit much, so I'm trying this cleaner template. Whatta ya think?

Christa M. Miller said...

Welcome back, David. For the record, there are 4 of us, not 2 (and that's just on Bloglines). :)

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday I was actually on a subway platform yelling at strangers about the joys of lime jellos AND extolling the virues of your book. People were confused, but I didn't care. So ha.

Stephen Blackmoore said...

As a recovering extoller myself I've often found it's best to let it loose every once in a while and go ahead and extol. Like any addiction there really is no quitting, just longer periods of abstinence.

Welcome back. Looks god.

Ray Banks said...

I'm deluded, I'm deluded!

And I believe the correct response is: "WHEEEEEEEE!"

Or, as my new catchphrase dictates: "Wha' happen?"

Welcome back, Terrenoire. Don't go crazy.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back!

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

I may actually be in Columbia that that weekend of the book festival. If so, I'll drop by. In the crowd, if you suddenly smell a fart that's a lot like lime green jello... Uh no; that won't be me.


Elizabeth Krecker said...

It's great having you back! Just seeing your mug up there in the corner makes me smile!

I'm doing the literary conference thing, too - at the ASU Writer's Conference held on the very same weekend in February.

The question of the hour: do the literati discuss exploding golf balls over stale gin at 2 a.m.?