Friday, December 08, 2006

The 101st Fighting Keyboarders Shake Their Tiny Fists In Rage!

Wow, this was a mistake. I followed a link to a conservative blog to see what the cheeto-stained keyboard commandos had to say about the ISG report. I expected some rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, but even I was surprised by the rancid bile spewed across the Internet.

Here's a sample:

"Anyone who believes that “fighting terrorism” requires blaming America first, last and always can just STFU. "


When asked to produce a quote from any American who said they blamed America, this was the response from a guy whose closest association with anyone in uniform is when he stocks up on Thin Mints and Do-si-Dos:

"You obfuscating prig,they say it every day with their constant attacks on our presence in Iraq. Open your phucking eyes.When you blame the CIC, you are blaming America."

So, apparently, because I think Bush is an incompetent who took us into a major, tragic disaster, I am a blame-America-Firster. Who knew? And when do I get my membership card? Can I get a discount at Starbucks with that? Here's another uber-patriot in full tantrum:

"Democrats like to claim that US efforts in the War on Terror are what causes more terrorism; in fact, what we will probably soon find out is displays of utter weakness such as the publishing of this report will embolden our enemies more than any alleged ‘torture’ of prisoners ever could. "

Yeah, torture doesn't create more terrorists, except maybe that kid who was forced to watch his father being beaten. Yeah, maybe that kid. Or the father who watched his daughter raped. Maybe him. Yeah, I'll bet Dad's going to pick up a gun.

Then, when a mother defends the opposition to the war, the pimply-faced bullies, smelling estrogen in the water, pounce:

"My God, you mean to say someone has actually put their penis into this miserable woman?"

This from a guy who has only read about the sex act, but never actually, you know, done it himself. The angry virgin was followed by this lovely post from a guy named toliver, which is a pretty gay name, not that there's anything wrong with that (no matter what the other kids say):

"As someone mentioned earlier,the only people you’re willing to confront are your fellow Americans.The only reason you idiots have the balls for that is because you know the law protects you,otherwise I would take great pleasure in crushing your f*****g skull!!"

That's when I bailed. There's nothing more manly than a guy named toliver threatening to crush a woman's skull from the safety of his mother's basement.

So if you have some spare time, I'm sure you can find more. But I'd suggest you Google Britney's cooter instead. It's a lot less disgusting.


JD Rhoades said...

These days my usual response to these online thugs is "this is why you LOST THE ELECTION". It makes their micro-cephalic little skulls explode.

(Hy, David, why won't blogger let me sign into your comments under my own name?) D.

JD Rhoades said...

Ah, okay. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Bah... we "Chickenhawks" lost the election because we stopped being conservative.

If the bums in congress had done the things the base wanted them to do, they wouldn't of been thrown out.

However, the bums still in Congress like McCain is still racing around to find middle ground that clearly is lukewarm enough to piss off everyone on both sides.

So thus far, it looks like a Democratic President in 2008. Luckily the cycle is young...


JD Rhoades said...

If the bums in congress had done the things the base wanted them to do, they wouldn't of been thrown out.

Which things were those?

Anonymous said...

1) Secure the borders/Immigration Reform
2) Tax Reform/Flat Tax

Those are the two I've been screaming about. I'd also like to see term limits put on Congress so we stop seeing the same old corrupt people in congress. Earmark reform as well.

Most of the people who won big Democratic victory were Blue Dog "Conservative" Dems. The Republicans failed to make themselves look much different from the Democratic opponents.

Because the R's had failed do what was needed to improve things at home, while at the same time failing the PR war on the war in Iraq... we got booted.

JD Rhoades said...

"Sniper" you seriously think the only problem with the Iraq war is PR?