Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This should make my next client meeting more interesting.

This just in, fucking scientists tell us to swear like motherfucking sailors and all that fucking shit you have to wade through every goddamn day will actually feel fucking better.

One of the science fuckers said, "It taps into emotional brain centers and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Our research shows one potential reason why swearing developed and why it persists."

Fuck yeah.


Anonymous said...

Huh. Shit. Never fucking looked at it that way.

charlie stella said...

I've been telling my mother this for years. Her response (and way before Nancy Marchand used it on The Sopranos): "Go shit in your hat, Sonny."

C.L.J. said...

All I can say to the scientists is "No shit, Sherlock!"

Graham Powell said...

Fuck yeah.

I concur!

Gary M said...

I used to watch "At the Actor's Studio" only near its end so I could hear the guest actor answer goofy questions from James Lipton. I particularly enjoyed when he would ask for their favorite curse word. Peter Falk's was "cocksuckerface".
