Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another sad goodbye.

This just in, the Fox News Half Hour News Hour is terminal.

The laugh-track enhanced fake news show, billed as a right wing alternative to The Daily Show, has been axed.

Some viewers complained that they could not tell the difference between this show and the regular Fox News lineup. Other viewers suggested that the O'Reilly Factor and Sean Hannity's new show might actually be improved by a laugh track. And still other Fox News viewers thought the phone was the TV remote and accidentally dialed a bakery in the Phillipines.

The larger rap, of course, is that conservatives aren't funny. I don't believe that's true, but I can only name one - P.J. O'Rourke - who makes me laugh. The others, the people the right wing says are funny, aren't funny. People like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are not funny. They're mean. People like Larry Miller, who was funny before are not funny now.

And Dennis Miller? Did I actually think he was funny once upon a time?

So help me out here. Are there conservatives who make you laugh? Is there someone I'm missing? And if not, why does the right wing produce such comedy-retarded entertainment?

Talk to me.


Jim Winter said...

"And Dennis Miller? Did I actually think he was funny once upon a time?"

Dennis was funny when he didn't point out he was a conservative.

Then he not only pointed it out, but he started making fat jokes. When a comic makes fat jokes, and he himself is not the butt of them, he has jumped the shark.

Dennis got a great view of the hammerheads when he came out in support of Bush.

JD Rhoades said...

Dennis Miller is a classic example of a "yoostabee", as in "I yoostabee a Democrat, but since 9/11, I'm now outraged about Chappaquiddick." (A tip of the hat to Michael Berube for that line). When every bit of your attempted humor has to carry a "message," the humor goes flat.

Hell, Limbaugh was actually funny when he first started, back in the early 90's. Sure he was mean, but most satire is. He started losing it when he was invited on David Brinkley's show as a legitimate pundit, after which he started taking his own schtick seriously. Then Clinton got elected and he went totally insane with rage and bitterness.

O'Rourke was always funny because he remembered to poke fun at Republicans as well:

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

Haven't seen Larry Miller in a while.

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

Bill Cosby? Oh yeah; he isn't funny anymore either. But then neither are Rosie O', Roseann Barr, Ellen Degenerate,... Is anyone that intends to be funny, really funny anymore? I don't think political leanings have anything to do with it. But then almost every night, I laught at Katie Couric's stern witch facial just before changing the channel.


Jim Winter said...

"Hell, Limbaugh was actually funny when he first started, back in the early 90's."

Limbaugh was funny when he was busy sticking forks into sacred cows. But now all the sacred cows are his breed.

If you take yourself too seriously, so will your friends. So will your enemies. And both will have lower IQ's and louder voices in the process.