Monday, August 06, 2007

How bankrupt is the GOP when this is the only guy who makes sense?

This is Ron Paul from the GOP debate in Iowa yesterday. I'm no Ron Paul convert. I like the FDA and the EPA (in theory, at least) too much to support a true Libertarian. But I like what he says here. It's true that the same people who did the Chicken Little dance with Saddam, the same people who were so wrong that we had to make a new category of wrong just for them, the same men who win trophies for wrong every single goddam day, these are now the same people who are warning us about blood baths and people eating the little children and God knows what all if we pull out of Iraq.

Then Romney, the Good-Hair-Empty-Suit candidate squawks "9/11! 9/11!" as if that had any relevance to anything. Jesus, what an asshat.

And I like the little dig Ron Paul gets in here about military service. Except for Duncan Hunter and John McCain, you've got a stage full of chickenhawks all claiming to be mas macho. Is there anything more pathetic than a bunch of rich doughy white men strutting about like the baddest scrapper in third grade? I don't think so.

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Ron Paul is my congressman. Some of his views are a little loopy (or a lot loopy), but he's got the war pegged.