An insider told the Washington Post that the Office of the VP doesn't support the President's dream of being the Johnny Appleseed of freedom because Cheney has "a little girl crush on strongmen."
I really wish I had made that part up, but sadly, I did not.
You can read more here.
Now, I have to go lie down for a little while.
Let's see. Rummy ousted? Check. Rove shown the door? Check. Gonzo's tenure on faulty life support equipment? Check, and while you're at it, anyone find the cord so we can pull it yet?
Last item on the agenda: Cheney's health problems either sidelining him to the role of funeral-goer.
Hello, Vice President Thompson. Loved your work on LAW & ORDER.
I really believe that some intelligent young person will make an independent film in a few years.
Proposed Title: Ghosts in the Machine Part 4 (the return of Tricky Dicky)
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