Friday, August 24, 2007

Who ever thought we'd miss this guy?

Sorry for the long ramble yesterday. I doubt if more than 2 or 3 of you waded through the rant. So, I doubly apologize for this post script to yesterday's Planet.

This morning I remembered that another president, bogged down in an unpopular war and facing protesters everywhere he went, didn't hide inside a bubble like our current Chief Executive.

No. He went out and talked to the protesters.

This is how Time magazine reported the story in 1970:

Before dawn the next morning, Nixon impulsively wakened his valet and set off with a clutch of Secret Service men for the Lincoln Memorial, where he talked for an hour with a group of drowsy but astonished demonstrators. His discussion rambled over the sights of the world ...

When the conversation turned to the war, Nixon told the students: "I know you think we are a bunch of so and so's ... I know you want to get the war over. Sure you came here to demonstrate and shout your slogans on the ellipse. That's all right. Just keep it peaceful. Have a good time in Washington, and don't go away bitter."

That provided fodder for a scene in Oliver Stone's "Nixon" and the criminally overlooked comedy, "Dick."

Here's Nixon aide Bud Krogh describing that meeting.

Now here's Dan Guthrie, a columnist who was fired for writing that Bush "skedaddled" on 9/11, on the courage of George Bush.

As the bumper sticker says, "I never thought I'd miss Nixon." He was bigoted and corrupt, but at least he had the balls to talk to Americans who disagreed with him. Why does it matter? Because at a time when we need a leader with courage, we get this guy:

Seventeen more months. Seventeen.


Jim Winter said...

I find it ironic that NIXON is one of the least liked Stone movies, because I thought he nailed the guy pretty good. He was a corrupt asshole who's good intentions were short circuited by his paranoia and insecurity. His test of character came one morning in 1974 when he boarded Marine One for California because "it's best that I step aside."

This prick can't admit he's wrong, doesn't like his feelings hurt (Wait. Isn't that a liberal thing? No, he's just a crybaby, like any other knee-jerk neocon.), and doesn't have the balls to step aside.

Then again, his test of character may well be making sure we never utter the phrase "President Cheney."

17 months. God, it could be Kucinich vs. Tancredo, and I'd still be saying, "Well, it's an improvement."

Anonymous said...

Was I the only Republican who voted for Kerry?

I'm also wondering if I was the only one who voted for Kerry.


David Terrenoire said...

I voted for Kerry. Jenny says she voted for Kerry. And I'd bet money that Dusty Rhoades voted fro Kerry.

So that's at least four, right here in NC.

Anonymous said...


Because you have no idea ... I came home from Hillsborough and collapsed on the couch.

Born/bred Republican.

Don't tell anyone.
