It's happening. The GOP is so worried about an Obama landslide, (although with all those sleeper cell Diebold machines lying in wait, I don't know why) that they're flogging this ACORN story like it's a magical conflation of the Second Coming and Krispy Kremes. Since last Friday, Fox News has mentioned ACORN more than 300 times.
For those who don't know ACORN, it's a non-profit that advocates for the poor and part of their work is registering new voters. Yes, it's highly partisan and solidly in the tank for Obama, no question. ACORN pays people to register voters, and they pay based on the number of people registered, which just about begs some homeless guy to write in a bunch of phony names, including Mr. Mouse.
Voter registration fraud, no doubt, and it's ACORN who is defruaded out of some Night Train cash. But, it is not voter fraud. Voter fraud would be me showing up at the polls claiming to be Mr. Mickey Mouse and casting a vote. I think that's highly unlikely, don't you?
But if you listened to CNN this morning, you never would have known that. To the casual listener, this was evidence of Obama supporters trying to steal the election.
In my opinion, it's far more likely that those machines will take your vote for Obama and magically change it to a vote for McCain, but I admit, I'm a little crazy after eight years of George Bush and the fear-driven GOP campaigns of the last 20 years.

But, compared to these people, I'm the poster boy for mental health.
Bob, the guy who runs the blog Confederate Yankee, lives here in North Carolina and I've always thought he was deluded, but basically sane. Now, I'm not so sure. He and his readers are frothing at the mouth over the prospect of an Obama presidency.
It's not enough for Obama to be wrong, they have to make him the anti-Christ. Here are just a few samples posted by Bob's regular readers. Sweet Jesus, but this is a giant bucketload of crazy.
"Those who vote for Stalinbama vote out of a sense complete denial of the facts that are now coming to the surface, no thanks to the US MSM Pravda."
"For twenty years he sat in the pew as his 'pastor' spewed anti-American, white-hating filth. Obama brought his wife and kids. The only religion he ever exposed his children to was Marxism with a thin veneer of religion."
"As always, the people of the Right earn the money and the people of the Left squander it ... Some will remember that a fine man, John Heinz, left considerable sums in trusts and to his widow, Theresa. That fortune is now ammo for the socialistic takeover of this nation."
I've often voted for losing candidates. Each time I've always hoped I had been wrong and that the winning guy would be really good for the country. Sometimes the guy was good, sometimes the guy was bad, and sometimes
the guy was a complete disaster.
But for a lot of people out there, they need their crazy. You've seen them at Palin rallies. You hear them on talk radio. To them, Obama has to be "that one," a secret America-hater, a Marxist, a Socialist, a Fascist, a Communist, a Manchurian candidate who will steal the election, kill your babies and fill the government with scary Arabs, muslims, terrorists and angry angry Negroes.
Look out! Be afraid! It's a centrist Democrat from Illinois! Oh, the humanity!
I don't know about you, but I can't wait for this election to be over.
Frantic paranoia is exhausting.