We all know about the ad the GOP ran against Harold Ford, a black man, that shows a white actress inviting Mr. Ford to "call me," playing on some very ugly racial stereotypes that still beat firmly in the breasts of tiny-peckered white men who can't get a date.
In the middle of that ad is a shot of two scummy looking sleazoids talking about Ford accepting money from the porn industry. (Here's the ad in case you haven't seen it.)
And the Ford campaign did get money from the porn industry. Then they returned it when they found out the cash was a bit sticky, shall we say.
Now, Josh Marshall reports that the RNC has, can you guess? accepted campaign contributions from one of the largest producers and distributors of gay porn in the United States and his name is Nicholas Boyias. That's right, a producer of gay porn whose name actually sounds like "boy ass."
What? Did Charles Dickens write this script?
So far, there's no evidence that the GOP has returned the gay porn money. Maybe they're going to use it to produce a lesbian flick based on Lynn Cheney's novel. Or maybe, like Lynn's husband, they're just lying Dicks.
Nicholas Boyias money good? Oh, that is so funny.
I think this scandal matters little because Mr. Ford is a Democrat in name only. He has adopted so many right wing stances on issues that regardless of who wins the conservatives have won in Tenn. I am highly entertained by the GOP receiving gay porn money though.
Don't you just love hypocrisy? I was just watching the Simpsons episode where Lisa goes to Washington and loses faith in democracy last night.
When I run for office I'll accept money from nothing BUT porn producers. Well, that and drug runners, arms smugglers and pedophiles. At least I'll be honest about it.
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